Our Aircrafts

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Jordan Baker, owner of Yakutat Air, has been flying airplanes in and out of backcountry landing strips since 2018. His near decade of flying experience has taken him all over the northwest, through Washington, Idaho, and Oregon to the western Alaskan Tundra with lots of places in between. Jordan has additionally worked commercially, flying large 76 passenger planes all over the world. An avid adventurer himself, he enjoys flying to remote fishing and hunting spots--so, rest assured, Jordan knows the best places to go!

Cessna 206

The Cessna 206 is a versatile and rugged aircraft, widely used for bush flying and remote operations. Known for its impressive payload capacity of over 1,400 pounds and a reliable 300-horsepower engine, it excels in accessing backcountry airstrips. Its durability and adaptability make it a favorite among pilots navigating Alaska’s vast and challenging terrain.

De Havilland Beaver

The De Havilland Beaver, dubbed "The best bush plane in history," is perfect for exploring Alaska's hidden gems. This aircraft is widely appreciated for its ability to excel in short takeoffs and landings, making it a staple among bush pilots. It boasts a payload capacity of over 1,500 pounds and an astounding 450-horsepower engine. Known for its ability to land almost anywhere, land or water, the Beaver can connect you to remote destinations with ease.